About Us
Technoknowledge is all about the introduction of coding, creative, and developing Technologies at an early age for kids as young as 5 years old. Learning to code not only helps the young students to develop their analytical, problem solving, and algorithm designing skills but also helps them to be grown up into logical thinkers, problem solvers, creators, and collaborators.
Teaching computer science to all early age students helps ensure that these students, especially girls and underrepresented minorities, will participate and succeed in a much-needed, 21st-century skill set. Our idea of “creative computing” supports the development of personal connections to computing, by block programming, drawing upon creativity, imagination, and interests. Creative computing emphasizes the knowledge, practices, and fundamental literacies that young people need to create the types of dynamic and interactive computational media that they enjoy in their daily lives. We design Computer Science Curriculum and bring programming to classrooms in a fun and interactive manner.
Our computational artifacts prepare young people for more than careers as computer scientists or programmers. It supports young people’s development as computational thinkers, analyst and creators; individuals who can draw on computational concepts, practices, and perspectives in all aspects of their lives, across disciplines and contexts

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